Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our Trip to Historic Nauvoo, Illinois

At the end of August we took our first family vacation with friends. We went with the Wright family to Historic Nauvoo. The kids had a great time touring the sites but most of all they enjoyed swimming in the pool at the hotel. :)

Standing on bricks at the brick makers with all of the kids!

Mom and the pioneer girl.

Will this take the place of the "Bell Dress"?

The Abbotts and Wrights. What great friends!

Alex and Amber in front of a statue of Joseph and Hiram Smith at the jail where they were martyred.

Alex and Karsten inside Carthage Jail.

Alex making a rope.

Alex and Dad making a rope.

Our family in front of a "sunstone", a design used in the Nauvoo temple.

1 comment:

tonya said...

Congrats on your new baby. I loved looking at your pics of Nauvoo. I am so grateful that we were able to live close to there for a season. The history there is so personal I love being there. Good Luck recovering. We wish you well.