Sunday, May 25, 2008

Flowers - Spring is finally here!

Wow. Two weeks in a row. How long does it take to make it a habit? We'll see if I can make this last. :)
We are making good progress towards our move. We are working dilligently on getting rid of half of what we own so that we can fit the important stuff in the moving truck. This is turning out to be quite the chore. It is nice however that it is finally warming up in Michigan. The children have been able to spend a lot of time outside playing while Mom and Dad are inside packing.

Amber LOVES flowers and loves to pick flowers. We have had to have several talks about what she can and can't pick. If only dandylions were her favorite kind of flower...

Here are this week's pictures.

Caleb neglected. Poor guy. I guess Mom was busy packing again.

Hey, Mom, could you pick me up or straighten me out instead of just taking a picture of me?

Um, Ashley, didn't we talk about not picking flowers in the front flower bed?

Amber wanted me to take a picture of her smelling the flowers. Ashley, so that is where all of the yellow flowers went...
What a beauiful girl!
Of course, Ashley needs to smell the flowers if Amber is smelling the flowers.


Sutter Schumacher said...

What great kids! But wait a second ... another move???

Denni said...

Alida - check this out:

We're getting inducted into the hall of fame in November. You must be here!! Start arranging the sitters!!